Tuesday 19 July 2011

Why does cheese come in triangles?

So in my first blog, the thing I need to talk about is why on earth does cheese come in triangles?  In fact, first of all, I should probably state that cheese doesn't actually come in triangles, even though it says that it's a "Cheese Triangle", one side is curved...Look at the picture above, does that look even slightly like a true triangle?  Pythagoras would be turning in his grave on seeing such a nonsensical naming of a cheese product!  Anyway, this bad mis-classification deems it not to be an actual triangle, but something more like a Reuleaux triangle, which is actually more associated to car engines named after a man who's name is so close to a crude word for male masterbation that he should probably have invented the prostetic vagina, rather than the Wankel engine

So now we've addressed this first issue, the second issue is the fact that we've accepted this shape and taken it into our bussom...Who wants cheese in this shape?  We have so many different shapes we could chose...for instance, I would prefer my cheese in the following shape:

That would make me far more likely to eat it, in fact, even if it wasn't cheese I would eat it...boiled kippers for instance. 

Now don't get me wrong, I eat cheese triangles every day, i smear them over half naked body whilst chanting exerts from the Ian Botham's biography...I just disagree that I should be forced into geometric cheese choice, and on that basis, I have a problem with the cheese facists.

Now moving onto a short and sucinct point.  It's specific, NOT "Pacific".  You are not talking about the largest ocean in the world, you are actully talking about making a point which cannot be anything else...for instance, I could say "To be specific, you mean the word specific, NOT the world Pacific"..where are you would say "To be Pacific, I'm actually talking about physically being an ocean, which happens to be the largest in the world."

First blog is finished.